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Descendants of John Poole

Second Generation

2. George Poole 1 (John ) was born in 1748 in Gorey, Wexford, Ireland.

I (hall refer the reader to the affidavits of Andrew Sheppard, George Taylor and Bleakney Ormfby, Appendix, No. XX. i, 2, 3, for an account of the fcrutal treatment which they gave their proteftant prifoners in the town of Gorey. They murdered many perfons of that perfuafion in the adjacent country. The following occurrence happened there : A proteftant tenant of Mr. Stephen Ram, of the name of Poole, who bears an uncommon good character, fled from his houfe near Gorey when the rebels got poffedion of it; fome of his popifh acquaintances perfuaded him to return, as perfons of his religious faith were not molefted ; but on doing fo, he found that they meant only to lead him into danger, by putting him in the power of the Romanifts. He was advifed to repair to the rebel camp at Gorey, and to procure a pafs there ; but he could not obtain it. He was then advifed to go to father Francis Kavenagh, a prieft, who had fupreme power at Gorey, and had a guard of pikemen at his door, to prevent more than one perfon at a time from entering it. On addreffing him for a protection, he faid " After ferving the devil all your life, you come to me for a protection," meaning that he had been all his life of the proteftant perfuafion. However, he gave him a protection ; but in this he acted with diffimulation, as it was not meant to protect him ; for he was arrefted and imprifoned, and narrowly efcaped with his life. This prieft was the oldeft, the beft beneficed. and reputed one of the moft relpectable priefts in the diocefe. By his apparent candour and liberality he had infmuated himfelf into the efteem and' good opinion of the nobility and proteftant gentry of the country, whofe houfes he reforted to conftantly, and was well received there; and yet his conduct was fo exceptionable, that general Needham * would have had him tried by a court-martial, and he probably would liave fhared the fate of his coadjutor, father Redmond, who was hanged, but that fome refpectable perfons; in confidcration of his age, and led by their partiality for him, perfuaded the general to difcharge him. This old' hypocrite was very active in the rebel camps.

1025. " John Black was born in the town of Gorey, county of Wexford, Ireland, on the 18th of September, 1790. The rebellion of '98 took place when he was a small boy, but of which he retained a lively recollection till old age. Young Jonh.Hlack was educated in the doctrines of the Church of England; but by keeping company with vicious people, he learned to call th( Methodists by ill names, and to hold them in great contempt. Providentially led ot:e evening to hear a Methodist preacher, his prejudice gave way. In after years, sickness laid him low,—thoughts of eternity increased his former convictions,— vows were then made,—he called on God for help, and help came. On regaining his strength he occasionally travelled many a mile to sit under the ministry of Weslcyan Ministers. Whilst a mourner in Zion, he attended a prayer-meeting near Gorey, and there and thpu he obtained the long-sought blessing.

1026. " He was very happy in his first love. His conversion took place in 1813. Soon after, the Rev. Andrew Taylor, then a popular and useful minister, took J. B. and others into Society. About this time a great revival took place, and extended throusrh parts of the counties of Wexford and Wicklow. Several young converts showed signs of talent. Among these he could not forget the names of Fossey Tackaberry, J. S. Wilson, Jacob and George Poole, &c., &c.
Case and his contempories: or, The Canadian itinerant's memorial ..., Volume 2 By John Carroll

He had the following children.

  4 F i Rachel Poole.
        Rachel married Thomas Collier in 1790 in Diocese of Ferns, Wexford, Ireland.
+ 5 F ii Susannah Poole was born in 1760. She died on 9 Jan 1824.
+ 6 F iii Ann Poole was born in 1771. She died on 9 Jun 1861.
+ 7 M iv George Poole was born in 1773. He died on 19 Feb 1859.
  8 M v John Poole 1 was born in 1776 in , Wexford, Ireland.
  9 F vi Elizabeth Poole 1 was born about 1778 in , Wexford, Ireland.

Was disowned for marrying a Catholic.
        Elizabeth married Luke Bryne in 1796 in Diocese of Ferns, Wexford, Ireland.

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