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Descendants of William L. Campbell

Source Citations

88. Sarilda A. Campbell

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21860 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; p 520b, family 661, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 9]."

31870 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; p 443b, family 118, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 18]."

41880 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 298; p 84d, family 309. "[age 29]."

51900 IL Census, Garden Hill, Wayne co; ED 107; p 20b, family 396, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 49]."

61910 IN Census, Cass, Sullivan co; ED 161; p 7a, family 138. "[age 59]."

71920 IN Census, Cass, Sullivan co; ED 236; p 2b, family 44, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 68]."

81880 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 298; p 84d, family 309. "[Sarilda A. ROBERTSON; next door to uncle John Mitchell]."

91900 IL Census, Garden Hill, Wayne co; ED 107; p 20b, family 396. "[Sarilda Robertson]."

101910 IN Census, Cass, Sullivan co; ED 161; p 7a, family 138. "[Sarlida R Robertson; living w/dau Stella's family]."

111920 IN Census, Cass, Sullivan co; ED 236; p 2b, family 44. "[Cerelda R Robertson; living w/dau Stella's family]."

Nathaniel H. Moss

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

2Indiana Marriages 1845-1920, Provo, UT:, 2000, [Book: H; Page: 237], . very good

Original Data: Works Progress Administration. Index to Marriage Records Indiana: Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938-1940.


Source Media Type: Electronic. "[Sarilda Campbell & Nathaniel Moss]."

3Betty Carter.

41850 IN Census, Wright Twp, Greene co; p 366a, family 59, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 4]."

5Betty Carter.

6Betty Carter.

203. Sarah Laurella Robertson

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21880 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 298; p 84d, family 309. "[age 9]."

204. John C. N. Robertson

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21880 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 298; p 84d, family 309. "[age 5]."

Joseph Robertson

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

2Indiana Marriages 1845-1920, Provo, UT:, 2000, [Book: K; Page: 459], . very good

Original Data: Works Progress Administration. Index to Marriage Records Indiana: Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938-1940.


Source Media Type: Electronic. "[Sarilda A Moss & Joseph Robertson]."

31880 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 298; p 84d, family 309.

41900 IL Census, Garden Hill, Wayne co; ED 107; p 20b, family 396, . Source Media Type: Book. "[married 21 years]."

51910 IN Census, Cass, Sullivan co; ED 161; p 7a, family 138.

6Betty Carter.

71880 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 298; p 84d, family 309. "[age 25]."

81900 IL Census, Garden Hill, Wayne co; ED 107; p 20b, family 396. "[age 45]."

91880 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 298; p 84d, family 309. "[Jos Robertson]."

101900 IL Census, Garden Hill, Wayne co; ED 107; p 20b, family 396.

111880 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 298; p 84d, family 309.

208. Myrtle Robertson

11900 IL Census, Garden Hill, Wayne co; ED 107; p 20b, family 396, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 18]."

210. Roy C. Robertson

11900 IL Census, Garden Hill, Wayne co; ED 107; p 20b, family 396, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 11]."

21910 KS Census, Roscoe, Reno co; ED 141; p 50b, family 47. "[age 22]."

31920 IN Census, . Source Media Type: Book.

41930 KS Census, Roscoe, Reno co; ED 51; p 3b, family 60. "[age 41]."

51930 KS Census, Roscoe, Reno co; ED 51; p 3b, family 60.

61910 KS Census, Roscoe, Reno co; ED 141; p 50b, family 47.

71910 IN Census, Roscoe, Reno co; ED 141; p 50b, family 47.

81930 KS Census, Roscoe, Reno co; ED 51; p 3b, family 60. "[living w/brother Joseph's family]."

91910 KS Census, Roscoe, Reno co; ED 141; p 50b, family 47.

89. Charles Andrew Campbell

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21860 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; p 520b, family 661, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 6; "Andrew"]."

31870 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; p 443b, family 118, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 16; "Andrew"]."

41880 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 299; p 96c, family 174. "[age 26]."

51900 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 36; p 2a, family 30. "[age 46]."

61910 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 42; p 47a, family 309. "[age 56]."

71920 IN Census, Elmore, Daviess co; ED 8; p 2a, family 24, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 65]."

8Betty Carter.

91880 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 299; p 96c, family 174. "[Andrew Campbell; living w/mother]."

101900 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 36; p 2a, family 30. "[Andrew C Campbell]."

111910 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 42; p 47a, family 309.

121920 IN Census, Elmore, Daviess co; ED 8; p 2a, family 24.

131880 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 299; p 96c, family 174.

Nancy Elizabeth McBride

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21880 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 299; p 96c, family 174.

31900 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 36; p 2a, family 30. "[married 21 years]."

4Indiana Marriages 1845-1920, Provo, UT:, 2000, [Book: K; Page: 360], . very good

Original Data: Works Progress Administration. Index to Marriage Records Indiana: Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938-1940.


Source Media Type: Electronic.

51910 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 42; p 47a, family 309. "[married 31 years]."

61920 IN Census, Elmore, Daviess co; ED 8; p 2a, family 24, . Source Media Type: Book.

7Betty Carter.

81880 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 299; p 96c, family 174. "[age 24]."

91900 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 36; p 2a, family 30. "[age 40]."

101910 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 42; p 47a, family 309. "[age 50]."

111920 IN Census.

121930 IN Census, . NS0027563

Source Media Type: Electronic.

131860 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; p 567a, family 1010, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 5/12 on June 1]."

141920 IN Census, Elmore, Daviess co; ED 8; p 2a, family 24. "[age 59]."

15Betty Carter.

16Betty Carter.

171880 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 299; p 96c, family 174. "[Nancy E. Campbell]."

181900 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 36; p 2a, family 30. "[Nancy E. Campbell]."

191910 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 42; p 47a, family 309. "[Nancy E. Campbell]."

201920 IN Census, Elmore, Daviess co; ED 8; p 2a, family 24. "[Nancy E. Campbell]."

212. Leonard Campbell

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21900 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 36; p 2a, family 30. "[age 20]."

31910 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 42; p 47a, family 309. "[age 30]."

4The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, LDS Ancestral File, . NS0114753

Source Media Type: Family Archive CD.

217. John Wayne Campbell

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21900 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 36; p 2a, family 30. "[age 4]."

31910 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 42; p 47a, family 309. "[age 14]."

41920 IN Census, Elmore, Daviess co; ED 8; p 2a, family 24, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 22]."

5Florida Death Index, 1936-1998, [database online] Provo,, 2001, . Original data: State of Florida. Florida Death Index,1877-1998. Florida: Florida Health Department, Office of Vital Records,1998.


Source Media Type: Electronic.

6Social Security Death Index, . NS0163553

Source Media Type: Electronic.

7Florida Death Index, 1936-1998.

218. Andrew Eugene Campbell

11910 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 42; p 47a, family 309. "[age 5; "Eugene"]."

21920 IN Census, Elmore, Daviess co; ED 8; p 2a, family 24, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 15; "Andrew Eugene"]."

3The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, LDS Ancestral File, . NS0114753

Source Media Type: Family Archive CD.

91. Clara Campbell

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21900 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 40; p 12b, family 248. "[age 39]."

31910 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 50; p 177b, family 210. "[age 48]."

41930 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 29;  p 287a, family 264, . NS0027563

Source Media Type: Electronic. "[age 69]."

5Betty Carter.

6Betty Carter.

7Betty Carter.

81900 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 40; p 12b, family 248. "[age 39]."

91910 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 50; p 177b, family 210. "[age 48]."

101930 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 29;  p 287a, family 264. "[age 69]."

111870 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; p 443b, family 118, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 9]."

121880 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 299; p 96c, family 174. "[age 18]."

131920 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 76; p 11a, family 247, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 59]."

141900 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 40; p 12b, family 248. "[Clara Brown]."

151910 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 50; p 177b, family 210. "[Clara Brown]."

161920 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 76; p 11a, family 247. "[Clara Brown]."

171930 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 29;  p 287a, family 264. "[Clara Brown]."

18Betty Carter.

George W. Brown

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

2Indiana Marriages 1845-1920, Provo, UT:, 2000, [Book: N; Page: 530], . very good

Original Data: Works Progress Administration. Index to Marriage Records Indiana: Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938-1940.


Source Media Type: Electronic.

31900 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 40; p 12b, family 248. "[married 7 years]."

41910 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 50; p 177b, family 210. "[married 16 years]."

51930 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 29;  p 287a, family 264, . NS0027563

Source Media Type: Electronic. "[ages @ marriage 35 & 32]."

6Betty Carter.

71860 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; p 583a-b, family 1120, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 3]."

81870 IN Census, . Source Media Type: Book.

91880 IN Census.

101900 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 40; p 12b, family 248. "[age 43]."

111910 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 50; p 177b, family 210. "[age 53]."

121930 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 29;  p 287a, family 264. "[age 73]."

13Betty Carter.

14Betty Carter.

151900 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 40; p 12b, family 248.

161900 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 40; p 12b, family 248. "[next door to brother James]."

171910 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 50; p 177b, family 210. "[next door to brother James]."

181930 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 29;  p 287a, family 264.

221. Sarah Florence Brown

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21900 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 40; p 12b, family 248. "[age 2]."

31910 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 50; p 177b, family 210. "[age 12; "Florence"]."

41930 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 29;  p 287a, family 264, . NS0027563

Source Media Type: Electronic. "[age 30]."

51920 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 76; p 11a, family 247, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 20; "Florence"]."

61930 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 29;  p 287a, family 264. "[living w/parents]."

George W. Brown

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

2Indiana Marriages 1845-1920, Provo, UT:, 2000, [Book: N; Page: 530], . very good

Original Data: Works Progress Administration. Index to Marriage Records Indiana: Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938-1940.


Source Media Type: Electronic.

31900 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 40; p 12b, family 248. "[married 7 years]."

41910 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 50; p 177b, family 210. "[married 16 years]."

51920 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 76; p 11a, family 247, . Source Media Type: Book.

61930 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 29;  p 287a, family 264, . NS0027563

Source Media Type: Electronic. "[ages @ marriage 35 & 32]."

7Betty Carter.

81860 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; p 583a-b, family 1120, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 3]."

91870 IN Census, . Source Media Type: Book.

101880 IN Census.

111900 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 40; p 12b, family 248. "[age 43]."

121910 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 50; p 177b, family 210. "[age 53]."

131920 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 76; p 11a, family 247. "[age 62]."

141930 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 29;  p 287a, family 264. "[age 73]."

15Betty Carter.

16Betty Carter.

171900 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 40; p 12b, family 248.

181900 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 40; p 12b, family 248. "[next door to brother James]."

191910 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 50; p 177b, family 210. "[next door to brother James]."

201920 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 76; p 11a, family 247. "[poor image]."

211930 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 29;  p 287a, family 264.

92. Elizabeth Campbell

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21870 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; p 443b, family 118, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 6]."

31880 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 299; p 96c, family 174. "[age 16]."

41900 IN Census, Jackson, Greene co; ED 29; p 1b, family 19. "[age 36]."

51910 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 42; p 48a, family 333. "[age 46]."

6Betty Carter.

7Betty Carter.

81900 IN Census, Jackson, Greene co; ED 29; p 1b, family 19. "[Elisabeth Haney]."

91910 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 42; p 48a, family 333. "[Elizabeth Haney]."

John W. Haney

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21900 IN Census, Jackson, Greene co; ED 29; p 1b, family 19. "[married 19 years]."

3Indiana Marriages 1845-1920, Provo, UT:, 2000, [Book: L; Page: 86], . very good

Original Data: Works Progress Administration. Index to Marriage Records Indiana: Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938-1940.


Source Media Type: Electronic.

41910 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 42; p 48a, family 333. "[married 29 years]."

5Betty Carter.

61900 IN Census, Jackson, Greene co; ED 29; p 1b, family 19. "[age 43]."

71910 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 42; p 48a, family 333. "[age 53]."

8Betty Carter.

91900 IN Census, Jackson, Greene co; ED 29; p 1b, family 19.

101910 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 42; p 48a, family 333.

111900 IN Census, Jackson, Greene co; ED 29; p 1b, family 19.

121910 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 42; p 48a, family 333. "[next door to brother James]."

227. Emmett M. Haney

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21900 IN Census, Jackson, Greene co; ED 29; p 1b, family 19. "[age 18; "Emmet M"]."

31910 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 42; p 48a, family 333. "[age 28]."

93. Mary J. Campbell

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21870 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; p 443b, family 118, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 2]."

31880 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 299; p 96c, family 174. "[age 12]."

41900 IN Census, Jefferson, Sullivan co; ED 135; p 2a, family 21+. "[age 32]."

51910 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 42; p 47b, family 318. "[age 42]."

61920 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 59; p 3a, family 56, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 52]."

71930 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 21; p 16b, family 149, . NS0027563

Source Media Type: Electronic. "[age 62]."

8Betty Carter.

9Betty Carter.

101900 IN Census, Jefferson, Sullivan co; ED 135; p 2a, family 21. "[Mary I Beck]."

111910 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 42; p 47b, family 318. "[Mary J Beck]."

121920 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 59; p 3a, family 56. "[Mary Beck]."

131930 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 21; p 16b, family 149. "[Mary J Beck; Mary I Back in index--hard to read name]."

David Beck

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

2Indiana Marriages 1845-1920, Provo, UT:, 2000, [Book: N; Page: 403], . very good

Original Data: Works Progress Administration. Index to Marriage Records Indiana: Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938-1940.


Source Media Type: Electronic.

31900 IN Census, Jefferson, Sullivan co; ED 135; p 2a, family 21. "[married 7 years]."

41910 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 42; p 47b, family 318. "[married 17 years]."

51920 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 59; p 3a, family 56, . Source Media Type: Book.

61930 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 21; p 16b, family 149, . NS0027563

Source Media Type: Electronic. "[ages @ marriage 37 & 25]."

7Betty Carter.

81900 IN Census, Jefferson, Sullivan co; ED 135; p 2a, family 21. "[age 45]."

91910 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 42; p 47b, family 318. "[age 55]."

101920 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 59; p 3a, family 56. "[age 65]."

111930 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 21; p 16b, family 149. "[age 75]."

12Betty Carter.

13Betty Carter.

141900 IN Census, Jefferson, Sullivan co; ED 135; p 2a, family 21.

151900 IN Census, Jefferson, Sullivan co; ED 135; p 2a, family 21.

161910 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 42; p 47b, family 318.

171920 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 59; p 3a, family 56.

181930 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 21; p 16b, family 149. "[David M Back in index]."

233. Roland Beck

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21900 IN Census, Jefferson, Sullivan co; ED 135; p 2a, family 21. "[age 6]."

31910 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 42; p 47b, family 318. "[age 16]."

41920 MI Census, Flint, Genesee co; ED 12; p 12a, family 227, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 25]."

51930 MI Census.

6Social Security Death Index, . NS0163553

Source Media Type: Electronic.

7Betty Carter.

8Social Security Death Index.

91920 IN Census, Flint, Genesee co; ED 12; p 12a, family 227, . Source Media Type: Book.

101920 MI Census, Flint, Genesee co; ED 12; p 12a, family 227. "[Roland Beek in index; rooming w/Waghorn family]."

234. Charles M. Beck

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

2Betty Carter.

3Betty Carter.

236. Emile L. Beck

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

2Betty Carter.

3Betty Carter.

95. Franklin Eugene Mitchell

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21870 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; p 443b, family 118, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 4]."

31880 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 298; p 84d, family 308. "[age 14]."

41900 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 37; p 2a, family 32. "[age 34]."

51910 IN Census, Monroe Twp, Pike co; ED 35; p 90b, family 18. "[age 44]."

61920 IN Census, . Source Media Type: Book.

71930 IN Census, Washington, Knox co; ED 34; p 12a, family 167, . NS0027563

Source Media Type: Electronic. "[age 64]."

8Betty Carter.

9Betty Carter.

101910 IN Census, Monroe Twp, Pike co; ED 35; p 90b, family 18.

111930 IN Census, Washington, Knox co; ED 34; p 12a, family 167.

121900 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 37; p 2a, family 32. "[Frank Mitchell]."

131910 IN Census, Monroe Twp, Pike co; ED 35; p 90b, family 18. "[Frank Mitchell]."

141930 IN Census, Washington, Knox co; ED 34; p 12a, family 167. "[Frank Mitchell]."

Martha Elizabeth Irvine

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

2Indiana Marriages 1845-1920, Provo, UT:, 2000, . very good

Original Data: Works Progress Administration. Index to Marriage Records Indiana: Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938-1940.


Source Media Type: Electronic.

31900 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 37; p 2a, family 32. "[married 10 years]."

41910 IN Census, Monroe Twp, Pike co; ED 35; p 90b, family 18. "[married 20 years]."

51920 IN Census, . Source Media Type: Book.

61930 IN Census, Washington, Knox co; ED 34; p 12a, family 167, . NS0027563

Source Media Type: Electronic.

7Betty Carter.

81900 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 37; p 2a, family 32. "[age 31]."

91910 IN Census, Monroe Twp, Pike co; ED 35; p 90b, family 18. "[age 41]."

10Betty Carter.

11Betty Carter.

121900 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 37; p 2a, family 32. "[Martha Mitchell]."

131910 IN Census, Monroe Twp, Pike co; ED 35; p 90b, family 18. "[Martha E Mitchell]."

237. Jennett Noure Mitchell

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

2Indiana Marriages 1845-1920, Provo, UT:, 2000, [Book: C-31; Page: 177], . very good

Original Data: Works Progress Administration. Index to Marriage Records Indiana: Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938-1940.


Source Media Type: Electronic.

31900 IN Census. "[not listed w/family]."

41910 IN Census, Monroe Twp, Pike co; ED 35; p 90b, family 18. "[age 18?]."

51920 IN Census, . Source Media Type: Book.

61930 IN Census, Washington, Knox co; ED 34; p 6a, family 8, . NS0027563

Source Media Type: Electronic. "[age 39]."

7Social Security Death Index, . NS0163553

Source Media Type: Electronic.

8Betty Carter.

9Social Security Death Index.

10Social Security Death Index.

111930 IN Census, Washington, Knox co; ED 34; p 6a, family 8. "[Jennet Foreman; Junnie Foreman in index--poor writing]."

Earl H. Foreman

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript. "[fact only]."

2Indiana Marriages 1845-1920, Provo, UT:, 2000, [Book: C-31; Page: 177], . very good

Original Data: Works Progress Administration. Index to Marriage Records Indiana: Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938-1940.


Source Media Type: Electronic. "[J H Mitchell & E H Foreman]."

31930 IN Census, Washington, Knox co; ED 34; p 6a, family 8, . NS0027563

Source Media Type: Electronic. "[ages @ marriage 26 & 29]."

4Indiana Marriages 1845-1920, [Book: C-31; Page: 177].

51930 IN Census, Washington, Knox co; ED 34; p 6a, family 8. "[age 35]."

6Betty Carter. "[place only]."

71930 IN Census, Washington, Knox co; ED 34; p 6a, family 8.

81930 IN Census, Washington, Knox co; ED 34; p 6a, family 8.

239. John Ernest Mitchell

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21900 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 37; p 2a, family 32. "[age 5]."

31910 IN Census, Monroe Twp, Pike co; ED 35; p 90b, family 18. "[age 15]."

4Betty Carter.

5Betty Carter.

Ruby Hill

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

2Betty Carter.

240. Thomas Mitchell

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

2Betty Carter.

243. Walter Scott Mitchell

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21910 IN Census, Monroe Twp, Pike co; ED 35; p 90b, family 18. "[age 5]."

3Social Security Death Index, . NS0163553

Source Media Type: Electronic.

41920 IN Census, . Source Media Type: Book.

51930 IL Census, Chicago, Cook co; ED 933; p 7a, lines 13-14, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 25]."

6Betty Carter.

7Social Security Death Index.

81930 IL Census, Chicago, Cook co; ED 933; p 7a, lines 13-14.

91930 IL Census, Chicago, Cook co; ED 933; p 7a, lines 13-14. "[Walter Mitchel]."

Bessie B. Stevenson

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

2Betty Carter.

3Social Security Death Index, . NS0163553

Source Media Type: Electronic.

4Betty Carter. "[place only]."

5Social Security Death Index.

244. Martha Isabella Mitchell

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21920 IN Census, . Source Media Type: Book.

31930 MI Census, Redford, Wayne co; ED 1037; p 4a, family 70. "[age 19]."

4Betty Carter.

5Betty Carter.

61930 MI Census, Redford, Wayne co; ED 1037; p 4a, family 70. "[Isabell Wadsworth]."

Ignatius Donnelly Wadsworth

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21930 MI Census, Redford, Wayne co; ED 1037; p 4a, family 70. "[ages @ marriage 28 & 18]."

3Betty Carter.

41930 MI Census, Redford, Wayne co; ED 1037; p 4a, family 70. "[age 29]."

5Betty Carter.

6Betty Carter.

71930 MI Census, Redford, Wayne co; ED 1037; p 4a, family 70.

8Social Security Death Index, . NS0163553

Source Media Type: Electronic.

91930 MI Census, Redford, Wayne co; ED 1037; p 4a, family 70. "[Donnelly Wadsworth]."

96. Joseph L. Mitchell

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21870 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; p 443b, family 118, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 5/12 on June 1]."

31880 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 298; p 84d, family 308. "[age 10]."

41900 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 37; p 235a, family 535. "[age 30]."

51910 IN Census, 3rd Ward, Linton, Greene co; ED 45; p 105a, family 151. "[age 40]."

6Indiana Marriages 1845-1920, Provo, UT:, 2000, [Book: 18; Page: 402], . very good

Original Data: Works Progress Administration. Index to Marriage Records Indiana: Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938-1940.


Source Media Type: Electronic.

71920 IN Census, . Source Media Type: Book.

81930 IN Census, Terre Haute, Vigo co; ED 32; p 4b, family 117, . NS0027563

Source Media Type: Electronic. "[age 60]."

91900 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 37; p 235a, family 535.

101910 IN Census, 3rd Ward, Linton, Greene co; ED 45; p 105a, family 151.

111900 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 37; p 235a, family 535. "[Joseph Mitchel]."

121910 IN Census, 3rd Ward, Linton, Greene co; ED 45; p 105a, family 151.

131930 IN Census, Terre Haute, Vigo co; ED 32; p 4b, family 117. "[L Joseph Mitchell]."

Mary Dunn

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

2Indiana Marriages 1845-1920, Provo, UT:, 2000, [Book: N; Page: 237], . very good

Original Data: Works Progress Administration. Index to Marriage Records Indiana: Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938-1940.


Source Media Type: Electronic.

31900 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 37; p 235a, family 535. "[married 9 years]."

41910 IN Census, 3rd Ward, Linton, Greene co; ED 45; p 105a, family 151. "[married 18 years]."

51920 IN Census, Linton, Greene co; ED 66; p 5a, family 118, . Source Media Type: Book.

61930 IN Census, Linton, Greene co; ED 19; p 7b, family 195, . NS0027563

Source Media Type: Electronic. "[Mary age 16 @ marriage]."

7Betty Carter.

81900 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 37; p 235a, family 535. "[age 25]."

91910 IN Census, 3rd Ward, Linton, Greene co; ED 45; p 105a, family 151. "[age 35]."

101920 IN Census, Linton, Greene co; ED 66; p 5a, family 118. "[age 45]."

111930 IN Census, Linton, Greene co; ED 19; p 7b, family 195. "[age 55]."

121900 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 37; p 235a, family 535. "[Mary Mitchel]."

131910 IN Census, 3rd Ward, Linton, Greene co; ED 45; p 105a, family 151. "[Mary Mitchell]."

141920 IN Census, Linton, Greene co; ED 66; p 5a, family 118. "[Mary Mitchell]."

151930 IN Census, Linton, Greene co; ED 19; p 7b, family 195. "[Mary Mitchell]."

245. ? Mitchell

11900 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 37; p 235a, family 535. "[3 children total]."

21900 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 37; p 235a, family 535. "[1 child died before 1900]."

247. Isabell E. Mitchell

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21900 IN Census, Stockton, Greene co; ED 37; p 235a, family 535. "[age 2; "Ella D"]."

31910 IN Census, 3rd Ward, Linton, Greene co; ED 45; p 105a, family 151. "[age 11; "Isabella"]."

41920 IN Census, Linton, Greene co; ED 45; p 105a, family 117, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 22]."

51930 IN Census, Steen, Knox co; ED 12; p 8b, family 191, . NS0027563

Source Media Type: Electronic. "[age 34]."

6Indiana Marriages 1845-1920, Provo, UT:, 2000, [Book: 6; Page: 161], . very good

Original Data: Works Progress Administration. Index to Marriage Records Indiana: Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938-1940.


Source Media Type: Electronic.

7Social Security Death Index, . NS0163553

Source Media Type: Electronic.

81930 IN Census, Steen, Knox co; ED 12; p 8b, family 191. "[Isabelle E May]."

91920 IN Census, Linton, Greene co; ED 45; p 105a, family 117. "[Isabelle May; next door to mother]."

Claude May

1Indiana Marriages 1845-1920, Provo, UT:, 2000, [Book: 6; Page: 161], . very good

Original Data: Works Progress Administration. Index to Marriage Records Indiana: Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938-1940.


Source Media Type: Electronic.

21920 IN Census, Linton, Greene co; ED 45; p 105a, family 117, . Source Media Type: Book.

31930 IN Census, Steen, Knox co; ED 12; p 8b, family 191, . NS0027563

Source Media Type: Electronic. "[ages @ marriage 24 & 18]."

4Indiana Marriages 1845-1920, [Book: 6; Page: 161].

51920 IN Census, Linton, Greene co; ED 45; p 105a, family 117. "[age 28]."

61930 IN Census, Steen, Knox co; ED 12; p 8b, family 191. "[age 40]."

71920 IN Census, Linton, Greene co; ED 45; p 105a, family 117.

81930 IN Census, Steen, Knox co; ED 12; p 8b, family 191.

91920 IN Census, Linton, Greene co; ED 45; p 105a, family 117.

101930 IN Census, Steen, Knox co; ED 12; p 8b, family 191.

248. Charles Robert Mitchell

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21900 IN Census, 3rd Ward, Linton, Greene co; ED 45; p 105a, family 151. "[age 9; "Charles R"]."

31920 IN Census, Linton, Greene co; ED 66; p 5a, family 118, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 19; "Robert"]."

41930 IN Census, . NS0027563

Source Media Type: Electronic.

5Social Security Death Index, . NS0163553

Source Media Type: Electronic.

6Social Security Death Index.

71920 IN Census, Linton, Greene co; ED 66; p 5a, family 118.

Dora Baker

1Indiana Marriages 1845-1920, Provo, UT:, 2000, [Book: 18; Page: 402], . very good

Original Data: Works Progress Administration. Index to Marriage Records Indiana: Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938-1940.


Source Media Type: Electronic.

21930 IN Census, Terre Haute, Vigo co; ED 32; p 4b, family 117, . NS0027563

Source Media Type: Electronic.

3Indiana Marriages 1845-1920, [Book: 18; Page: 402].

41920 IN Census, . Source Media Type: Book.

51930 IN Census, Terre Haute, Vigo co; ED 32; p 4b, family 117. "[age 49]."

61930 IN Census, Terre Haute, Vigo co; ED 32; p 4b, family 117. "[Dora Mitchell]."

98. George E. Mitchell

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21880 IN Census, Wright, Greene co; ED 298; p 84d, family 308. "[age 5]."

31900 IN Census.

41910 IN Census, Jasonville, Greene co; ED 179; p 203a, family 441. "[age 35]."

51920 IN Census, Jasonville, Greene co; ED 79; p 19a, family 447, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 48]."

6Betty Carter.

7Betty Carter.

8Betty Carter.

9Betty Carter.

101920 IN Census, Jasonville, Greene co; ED 79; p 19a, family 447.

111920 IN Census, Jasonville, Greene co; ED 79; p 19a, family 447.

121910 IN Census, Jasonville, Greene co; ED 179; p 203a, family 441.

Flora L. Mayfield

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

2Indiana Marriages 1845-1920, Provo, UT:, 2000, [Book: P; Page: 14], . very good

Original Data: Works Progress Administration. Index to Marriage Records Indiana: Indiana Works Progress Administration, 1938-1940.


Source Media Type: Electronic.

31900 IN Census.

41910 IN Census.

51920 IN Census, Jasonville, Greene co; ED 79; p 19a, family 447, . Source Media Type: Book.

6Betty Carter.

7Greene County, Indiana Death Records Index, 1893-1920, [database online]. Provo, UT:, Inc., 2003, . Original data: Indiana Works Progress Administration, comp. Index to Death Records Greene County Indiana 1893-1920. Indiana: WPA, 1939.


Source Media Type: Electronic. "[Flora Mitchell; age 54 @ death]."

81900 IN Census.

91910 IN Census, Jasonville, Greene co; ED 179; p 203a, family 441. "[age 44]."

101920 IN Census, Jasonville, Greene co; ED 79; p 19a, family 447. "[age 54]."

11Betty Carter.

12Greene County, Indiana Death Records Index, 1893-1920. "[Flora Mitchell]."

13Betty Carter.

141920 IN Census, Jasonville, Greene co; ED 79; p 19a, family 447. "[Flora Mitchell]."

151910 IN Census, Jasonville, Greene co; ED 179; p 203a, family 441. "[Flora Mitchell]."

250. Harry Mitchell

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21900 IN Census.

31910 IN Census, Jasonville, Greene co; ED 179; p 203a, family 441. "[age 12]."

4Betty Carter.

5Betty Carter.

251. Clarence Mitchell

1Betty Carter, 4 Aug 1997, . [also tree on]

Source Media Type: Manuscript.

21910 IN Census, Jasonville, Greene co; ED 179; p 203a, family 441. "[age 7]."

31920 IN Census, Jasonville, Greene co; ED 79; p 19a, family 447, . Source Media Type: Book. "[age 17; "Clarance"]."

4Betty Carter.

5Betty Carter.

61920 IN Census, Jasonville, Greene co; ED 79; p 19a, family 447.

108. William Alvin Hammar

11850 United States Census.

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