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Descendants of James Patterson

Fourth Generation


74. Dr. Samuel Patterson Shi (James Hinton Madison Shy , Jane Patterson , James ) was born on 5 Sep 1837 in Morgan County, Georgia. He died on 23 May 1908 in Halesboro, Red River County, Texas.

Dr. Shi is buried in "New Saints" Cemetery, Halesboro, Texas.  This cemetery isapproximately 6 miles west of Bogata, Texas and approximately 6 miles south ofDeport, Texas.  The cemetery is in the southwest corner of Red River County and is about one half mile off of a paved road.
Dr. Shi was married twice.  His first marriage was to Martha Jane McKee in 1860(in Daingerfield, present dayMorris County, Texas). Known children of this marriage, are as follows:  AmandaShi(b. 8-3-1861), Madge Shi(b. 1862), Amerial Shi(b. 7-22-1863,d. 7-31-1867),Tommie Shi(b. 10-26-1865), Lhe Shi(b. 1866), Ada Shi(b. 2-4-1868, d. 8-31-1887), Lula Shi(b. 1869), Ellizzie Shi(b. 1870), Oney Shi(b. 1-3-1874, d. 8-28-1885).  Martha Jane McKee was born according to old records in Shi family bible, onJune 30, 1845(in Anderson County, Kentucky) and died February 26, 1879 at nearly 34 years of age.
Dr. Shi had more than his share of sadness.  Three of his nine children with Martha Jane are known to have died at very young ages.  Amerial died at 4 years of age, Ada died at 19 years of age, and Oney died at 11 years of age.  His wife Martha Jane, of course, died a young woman.  Ada, Oney, and Martha Jane are  buried in the cemetery at Halesboro, Red River County, Texas.

Dr. Shi married for the second time on January 26, 1881.  His second wife was Georgia Vidola Singleton.  Mattie Ila Shi, Willie Irene Shi,and James Oney "Bunk" Shi, and Carrie Shi, were the children produced from this union.  Dr.Shi practiced medicine in Red River County, Texas for a number of years following the Civil War.  His practice was in Rosalie, Fulbright, Maple Springs(Bogata), and Halesboro where he died in 1908.  There is no record of where he received his medical training.  According to verbal information, Dr. Shi attended Vanderbilt University in Nashville Tennessee.  This information concerning his medical training has not at the present time been verified.  Dr. S.P. Shi had the following brothers and sisters:  Mary Campbell Shy(Shi)b. 1832, Augustine HenryShy(Shi)b. July 15, 1834 in Morgan County, Georgia, Angeline Shy(Shi)b. 1835,d.1835, Thomas Foster Shy(Shi)b. June 21, 1840 in Morgan County, Georgia, AmandaJ. Shy(Shi)b. 1844, Elizabeth Ellen Shy(Shi)b. October 26, 1846 in Morgan County, Georgia.

Dr. married Georgia V. Singleton on 26 Jan 1881 in Buena Vista, Marion County, Georgia. Georgia was born on 3 Nov 1855 in Screven County, Georgia. She died on 12 Aug 1936 in Halesboro, Red River County, Texas.

Georgia Vidola Singleton Shi is buried in "New Saints" Cemetery, Halesboro, Texas, next to her husband Dr. Samuel Patterson Shi.  The cemetery is approximately 6 miles west of Bogata and 6 miles south of Deport, in southwestern Red RiverCounty.  The cemetery is about one half mile off of a paved road. Georgia Vidola Singleton had the following brothers and sisters:  Marietta Singleton, bornin Burke County, Georgia on June 24th 1857, Ann Eliza Singleton, born in Screven County, Georgia on March 5th 1860, Willie Wyatt Singleton, born in Screven County, Georgia on March 18th 1862, Isacc Warren Singleton, born in Screven County, Georgia on June 9th 1863, Theophilus Walton Singleton, born in Schley County, Georgia on August 14th 1865, and Drane Singleton, born in Marion County, Georgia on November 4th 1871.

They had the following children.

  241 F i Mattie Ila Shi was born on 29 Oct 1881 in Halesboro, Red River County, Texas. She died on 31 Dec 1910 in Mena, Polk County, Arkansas.

Mattie Ila Shi first married a mister Lane.  He died shortly after the marriageleaving Mattie Ila with a young daughter.  Mattie Ila married for the second time to W. I. Shi, a nephew of Dr. S. P. Shi.  Mattie Ila died in 1910 in Mena,Polk County, Arkansas, leaving her husband and
nine year old daughter.  The daughter was named Mattie Vidola Lane.  Everyone called her "Dola" Lane or "DolaShi."
  242 F ii Willie Irene Shi was born on 18 Aug 1884 in Halesboro, Red River County, Texas. She died on 4 Dec 1977 in Bogata, Red River County, Texas.

Willie Irene Shi married Francis Marion Hobbs.  This union produced the following children:  Philip Harold Hobbs, Homer Shi Hobbs, and George Darwin Hobbs.  Philip Harold Hobbs was born August 20, 1904, and died August 30, 1960, Homer Shi Hobbs was born August 10, 1906, and died December 16, 1960, George Darwin Hobbs was born October 20, 1908, and died February 22, 1916.
  243 M iii James Onie "Bunk" Shi was born on 2 Dec 1888 in Halesboro, Red River County, Texas. He died on 6 Mar 1955 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., California.

James Onie "Bunk" Shi married Alice Pickens about 1912.  This marriage producedthe following children:  Georgia Josephine Shi, Willie Mae Shi, and Mary Lorene Shi.  The family lived in Paris, Texas, Coalgate, Oklahoma, Shawnee, Oklahoma, and finally in Los Angeles, California.  James Onie Shi died March 6, 1955.He was the only direct male descendant of Dr. Samuel Patterson Shi. Dr Shi's first son, born to Martha Jane McKee, died August 8, 1885.
  244 F iv Carrie Shi was born in Dec 1892 in Halesboro, Red River Co. Texas. She died about 1912 in Paris, Lamar County, Texas.

Carrie died from complications of childbirth.  She was married to Robert Puckett.  Her infant son, William Lynn Puckett, was informally adopted by Mrs. G.V. Shi and lived with her for the first 8 years of his life.

75. Samuel C. Shy 1 (Seaborn J. Shy , Jane Patterson , James ) was born in 1823 in Georgia.

Samuel married Mary B. 1. Mary was born in 1832 in Georgia.

They had the following children.

  245 F i Harriet Shy 1 was born in 1847 in Georgia.
+ 246 M ii Seaborn J. Shy was born in Sep 1849. He died in BET 1910 AND 1920.

81. Andrew Johnson Patterson (David Trotter , Andrew , James ) was born on 25 Feb 1857 in Greenville, Green County, Tennessee. He died on 25 Jun 1932 in Greeneville, Greene County, Tennessee. He was buried on 27 Jun 1932 in Andrew Johnson National Cemetery, Greeneville, Tennessee..

Notes for ANDREW Johnson PATTERSON:
Monday, June 27, 1932; page 1
Funeral of Andrew Johnson Patterson to be held today; died at 9:00 P.M.Saturday
Grandson of Seventeenth President of United States Succumbs After longIllness.
  The funeral of Mr. Andrew Johnson Patterson, grandson of the latePresident Andrew Johnson, who died Saturday at his home on Main Street,will be held today at 4:30 p.m. at the home.
  The Rev. J. B. Ely, of Gate City, Va., former pastor of theGreeneville Methodist Episcopal church South, of which Mr. Patterson wasa member, will officiate in preaching the funeral, while the Rev. Roy E.Early, present pastor, will read the scripture, and Dr. Jere A. Moore,pastor of the First Presbyterian church, will offer prayer.
  The casket will occupy the same place in the parlor of the home thatwas
occupied by the caskets of Mr. Patterson's father and mother, Judge andMrs. David T. Patterson.
  Burial will be in the Andrew Johnson National Cemetery at Greenevillenear the tomb of the President and also of his father and mother.
  The active pallbearers will be S. H. McLain, H. E. Holland, T. D.Brabson, George T. Yost, R. A. Pierce, W. A. Gillespie, T. S. Hull andHerbert Palmer.
  Honorary pallbearers will be H. N. Baker, J. E. Hacker, S. B. LaRue,C. G.  Armitage, E. A. Lancaster, G. W. Doughty, W. H. Kiser, J. L.Hardin, C. G. Trim, Dr. U. G. Jones, Judge Sam Williams, I. (or J.) E.Brading, A. L. Brown, W. H. O'Keefe, T. N. King, J. H. Rader, J. F.Swingle, F. A. Rosenblatt, G. H. Smith, H.
R. Snapp, D. P. Mason, J. A. Susong, S. J. Milligan, James Simpson, J. R.Self, J. A. Blevins, Humphreys Reaves, F. A. Vann, H. R. Brown, Drs. L.E. Dyer, L. E. Coolidge; C. P. Fox Sr., Dane Harmon, J. D. Brown and L.C, Wills.
  Retiring after an active business and political life, Andrew JohnsonPatterson spent his last days in the old brick home of President AndrewJohnson, located on Main street in Greeneville, in the same house he wasborn February 25, 1857.
  Mr. Patterson often recalled his boyhood days in the White House.From 1865 to 1869 - during the strenuous days of Reconstruction period -he lived there.
  His mother, Martha Johnson Patterson, was serving as hostess at theWhite House for President Johnson because of the illness of Mrs. Johnson.
  His father, Judge David Trotter Patterson, was United States Senatorfrom Tennessee at the time.
  Mr. Patterson also had a vivid recollection, when as a child of five,he traveled through the Confederate lines with his parents andgrandparents on a trip from Greeneville to Nashville when Johnson becamemilitary governor of Tennessee.
  Mr. Patterson's mother was a brilliantly educated woman for her day.The education of her small son was begun under her direction by agovernor while the family was living in Washington.  When the familyreturned to Greeneville, young Patterson entered the preparatorydepartment of Tusculum College.
  Later he read law in the office of Judge Barton at Chattanooga, butnever followed the legal profession.
  In 1885 he began the operation of a flour mill at Afton, Green County,and cotton mills at Bluff City and Jonesboro.  While living at Bluff Cityhe served one term in the state legislator as representative fromSullivan County.
  In 1894 Mr. Patterson was appointed by President Grover Cleveland asAmerican consul to British Guiana, South America.  Four years later, hewas recalled to Greeneville by the serious illness of his aged mother.He reentered the flour milling business in Greeneville, living with hismother in the old Johnson home and caring for her in her last days.
  During the World war he gave liberally of his time and means and waschairman of the local exemption board.
  He served his last public office under the administration of GovernorTom Rye, of Tennessee, being appointed grain inspector.  He was alifelong democrat, as his grandfather, and was always active in the partyin Greene County and Tennessee.  He was a member of the M. E. Church,South.
  He married Miss Martha Ellen Barkley, in 1889.  She and one daughter,Miss Margaret Johnson Patterson, survive him.
  The daughter and Mrs. Robert Willingham, of Richmond, Va., are theonly surviving descendants of President Johnson, being his greatgrandchildren.
  The old Johnson home in Greeneville, where the Pattersons lived, isvisited by hundreds annually.  One room is set aside as a museum and isfilled with relics gathered when Andrew Johnson was President.
Monday, June 27, 1932; page 2
Andrew Johnson Patterson
  In the death of Hon. Andrew Johnson Patterson, Greeneville had lostone of her most distinguished citizens, a man whose life and memorylinked this community with one of the most glamorous pages of AmericanHistory.
  Born at a time when the civilization of this country was in a state offlux, on the verge of a profound and heart-searching change, Mr.Patterson grew up in the full knowledge of events occurring around him.His situation as the grandson of President Johnson could not but make himactually aware of political circumstances and his keen mind andremarkable retentive memory preserved incidents for history that wouldotherwise have been lost.  It was due to his interest in and exhaustivestudy of the period and of his grandfather's career that biographers ofAndrew Johnson were able to give a personal slant to the matters whichthey recorded.
Mr. Patterson's mother, Mrs. Marath (their spelling) Johnson Patterson,was mistress of the White House during her father's administration andher children were part of the President's daily life in Washington.  Mr.Patterson was a very young boy at the time but nothing that went onescapes his observation.  This fact made him delightful company to thoseinterested in the period as he never tired of relating stories of thetime.
  Physically, Mr. Patterson bore a strong resemblance to his illustriousancestor.  There was the same dark blue eye under overhanging brows, thesame cast of feature.
During his later years, Mr. Patterson had become increasingly an invalid,his activities confirmed to the daily stroll between the Johnson home andthe Post Office.  In these last months when he had been missed from hisaccustomed haunts, his old friends and neighbors have sadly realized thatthe tap of supporting cane and the courteous greeting were things of thepast.  He was never too tired to pause for a friendly chat, never toomuch occupied to fail to give recognition to an old friend however humble.
 To the constant stream of strangers who visited his home, he gave readywelcome, giving to idle curiosity the same grave courtesy and attentionyielded to intelligence and real interest.
With the end of Mr. Patterson's life, there closes a remarkable chapterof Greeneville history.  The last of the Great Commoner's descendants whohad ever seen the seventeenth President, there is no one now, who is ableto speak with the voice of authority on those natters so increasinglyimportant to biographers.  What was a matter of personal recollectionwill now become legend.  But his friends will remember a very kind andcourteous gentleman.

Andrew married Martha Ellen Barkley "Mattie" on 29 Dec 1889 in Limestone, , Tennessee, USA. Mattie was born on 28 May 1864. She died on 23 Mar 1948. She was buried in Andrew Johnson National Cemetery, Greeneville, Greene, Tennessee, USA.

They had the following children.

  247 F i Margaret Johnson Patterson was born on 29 Sep 1903. She died on 1 Aug 1992. She was buried in Andrew Johnson National Cemetery, Greeneville, Greene, Tennessee, USA.
        Margaret married William Thaw Bartlett on 14 Jun 1949 in Greenville, Greene, Tennessee, USA. William died in 1954 in , Greene, Tennessee, USA.
  248 F ii Martha Barkley Patterson was born about 1907.

82. Mary Belle Patterson (David Trotter , Andrew , James ) was born on 11 Nov 1859 in Greeneville, Greene County, Tennessee. She died on 9 Jul 1891 in Auburn, El Dorado County, California. She was buried in Monumont Hill, Greenville, Greene, Tennessee, USA.

Mary married John Landstreet Jr. on 17 Feb 1886. John was born in 1855 in , Loudon, Virginia, USA.

They had the following children.

+ 249 F i Martha Belle Patterson Landstreet was born on 6 Aug 1887. She died on 26 Dec 1969.

89. Bettie Patterson (Robert Steele , Nathaniel , James ) was born in 1866 in , Hunt, Texas, USA. She was buried in Lone Oak Cemetery, Lone Oak, Texas, USA.

Bettie married Harmon Anderson. Harmon was buried in Lone Oak Cemetery.

They had the following children.

  250 F i Coye Anderson was born on 25 Oct 1902. She died in Jan 1999 in Greenville, Texas. She was buried in Lone Oak Cemetery.
        Coye married Howard Hamilton.

91. John Gibson Patterson (Robert Steele , Nathaniel , James ) was born on 20 Jan 1871 in , Hunt, Texas, USA. He died on 20 Sep 1955 in Lone Oak, Texas, USA. He was buried in Lone Oak Cemetery, Lone Oak, Texas, USA.

John married Gertrude Sullivan on 5 Jun 1898 in Campbell, Texas. Gertrude was born on 15 Nov 1875 in , Blount, Tennessee, USA. She died on 17 Dec 1963 in Greenville, Texas. She was buried in Lone Oak Cemetery.

They had the following children.

  251 F i Lolla Arlene Patterson was born on 27 Jul 1901. She died in Sep 1991 in Greenville, Texas.

Was a librarian,.
        Lolla married Forest Hill. Forest died in Sep 1986 in Commerce, Texas.

Forest Hill Was a farmer
+ 252 M ii Robert Thomas Patterson was born on 30 Aug 1903. He died on 3 Mar 1987.
+ 253 F iii Gladys Neil Patterson was born on 29 Oct 1907. She died in 1991.

92. Alex Patterson (Robert Steele , Nathaniel , James ) was born in 1874 in Hunt County. He died in 1935. He was buried in Lone Oak, Texas, USA.

Alex married Mage Coppedge. Mage was buried in Lone Oak Cemetery.

They had the following children.

+ 254 M i Robert Patterson.
  255 M ii Living Patterson.

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