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Descendants of John Poole

Sixth Generation


177. Thomas Kidd (Joseph Kidd , Thomas Kidd , Ann Poole , George , John ) was born on 20 Nov 1864 in Lincoln County, Ontario, Canada. He died in 1904 in Oak River, Manitoba, Canada. He was buried in 1904 in Millers Cemetery, Oak River, Manitoba.

Thomas died 1904 in Oak River, Manitoba.

Born in Lincoln County, Ontario, Thomas cam to Oak River with his FatherJoseph Kidd, three Sisters and two Brothers in 1880, coming by rail witha carload of effects via Milwaukee, Ill. to St. Boniface, Manitoba. Theydrove from Winnipeg, Manitoba in a covered wagon, with oxen and lived allwinter in Frank Stevens sod house.   The following summer they built alog house on their Homestead just North of the Village of Oak River,Manitoba.

He married Lydia Cameron in 1895 and for a time farmed N.W. of Oak River,and then in the early 1900's the Family moved to town where he had anImplement business on South Railway Street, Oak River.  He was active inthe Anglican Church and was a Member of the Temperance League.

The couple had two children Winn, Daughter now teaching in Vancouver, andMelvin in the Automobile business in Vancouver, B.C.

Thomas died at the early age of 40 years, and after his death the Familybuilt a house  (now the residence of J. Henderson) near the Joseph andElizabeth Kidd residence in Oak River, and lived there until they movedto Vancouver in 1920.


Oak River Pioneer

Thomas married Lydia Cameron in 1895 in Oak River, Manitoba, Canada. Lydia was born in Anderson, Blanchard Twnshp., Ontario. She died 1 in 1947 in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. She was buried in 1947 in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Vancouver, B.C..

Lydia died 1947 in Vancouver, B.C..

Lydia cane West to Oak River in 1894 to stay with her Sister, Mrs. JohnBothwell, neighbors of the Joseph and Elizabeth Kidd Family.  Her threeSisters, came to Oak River at a later date, Jan who married Mr. Robertsona Farmer located South of Oak River; Mary, who married William Highet, aGrain Buyer in Oak River.


Oak River Pioneer

They had the following children.

  287 F i Winn Kidd.
  288 M ii Melvin Kidd.

179. Rachel Kidd (Joseph Kidd , Thomas Kidd , Ann Poole , George , John ) was born on 6 Mar 1868 in Lisle, Simcoe Cty., Ontario, Canada. She died on 1 Aug 1967 in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. She was buried in Aug 1967 in Riverside Cemetery, Harntney, Man., Canada.

Rachel died Aug 1967 in Vancourver, B.C., Canada.

Rachael Kidd  1868-1967


Born in Lisle, a small village between the towns of Alliston andCreemore, Simcoe County, Ontario of Irish parents Joseph and ElizabethCole Kidd.

Rachael's Marriage Certificate reports at the time of marriage her birthplace  as Sec. 6-14-22, Simcoe County, Ontario, Canada age 20 years andreligion as Episcopalian.

Rachael's Parents, Joseph Kidd and Elizabeth Cole are reported to be bornin Belfast, Ireland, and came to Manitoba from Ontario in the early1880's by way of rail with a carload of effects,  then to  Milwaukee,Wisconsin, then  to St. Boniface, Manitoba;. the Family then traveled bycovered wagon following the river trails to Oak River, ( a village about25 miles N.W. of Hartney) Manitoba where they began home steading.

The Family  arrived in the month of September, so had to build a sodhouse before winter set in to house the Family from a very cold winter.

Rachael  met George Alec  in Brandon, a distribution/purchasing centerfor Farmers in the area, and the couple  married at her Family home inOak River.
The newly weds then moved to the Robinson Farm in the Whitewater Districtthat George had been renting and farming.

Rachael and George  had a total of 8 children Daughter Lillie and and SonGordon being twins. They spent most of their life on their Homestead Farmnear Hartney, Manitoba, raising their Family and farming their land.

Her Son Percy and Wife Annie worked the old Homestead for many yearsfinally purchasing the farm wherein Rachael near retirement years retiredto a very comfortable home in the city of Winnipeg; she later relocatedto Vancouver, B.C.  to live with her Daughter Mary Wood Hurshman untilshe passed away in August 1967 at 99 years  4 mths. of age.



Manitoba Family Services, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Marriage Certificate

Researched, and Edited by  Grandson,  Kenneth M. Wright, of  Fallbrook,California,, January 25, 1994.

George Alec Wood & Family: A Century of Living, Hartney, Manitoba,Canada, 1882-1982, compiled and published by the Hartney & DistrictHistorical Committee, 1981.  Printed by Derksen Printer, Steinbach,Manitoba, Canada.

Rachel married George Alec Wood on 15 Nov 1887 in OakRiver, Manitoba, Canada. George was born on 11 Nov 1858 in Glenallen, Wellington Cty., Ont., Ca.. He died on 8 Dec 1925 in Hartney, Manitoba, Canada. He was buried on 11 Dec 1925 in Riverside Cemetery, Harntney, Man., Canada.

George died 8 Dec 1925 in Hartney, Manitoba, Canada.

George Alec Wood 1858-1925


Second oldest Son of John and Mary Wood, George Alec was born at theFarmstead at  Glenallen, Wellington County, Ontario, Canada, of Scottishparents.

George came West with a friend at age 24 to Brandon , Manitoba where heworked for short time in Livery Barn. In those days a Livery Barn was adepot where people would leave their horses for grooming and storage.  Helater took a job as a  Teamster (Horse and wagon Driver)  during the RielRebellion, then went to British Columbia, Canada  to work for theCanadian Pacific R.R. building the railway through the Rocky Mountainsnear Kicking Horse Pass. B.C.

He returned to Brandon, Manitoba, a farm purchasing, equipment anddistribution center,  to reclaim his old job in the  Livery Barn. Georgemet a Mr.  R.S.H. Robinson and rented the Robinson farm  where heremained several years. George met the love of his life,  Rachael Kidd ofOak River, Manitoba and the couple were married at her parents home farmat Oak River, Manitoba.

George's Marriage Certificate reports his residence at the time ofmarriage as  Whitewater, Manitoba, Canada, age 26 years, occupationFarmer, and religion Presbyterian.

During his  years at the Robinson Farm George and Rachael  had 5children, John, Ollie, Percy, Lillie and Gordon twins, all attendingWhitewater school. He later purchased 320 acres of land, E 1/2 15-5-23,where the Family  built their first home.

In 1887 they moved  to a new house on  Sections SW 1/4 23-5-23, SW 1/422-5-23, NW 1/4 11-5-23 and  the children attended the Chain Lakes SchoolDistrict nearby.  The youngest Daughter Mary and Son James Melville wereborn here.

The Family had their fair share of tragedy with the oldest Son Johnpassing away at age 13 with pneumonia.  Son Gordon passed away in May,1930 due to an accident involving his automobile and carbon monoxidepoisoning.

George broke all the land with the help of his Sons and acquired moreland ; he later purchased W 1/2 15-5-23 where son Ollie spent most of hisfarming years. George was a very kind and giving person not only to hisfamily but had a keen interest in his community and people;  he was aTrustee on the Chain Lakes School Board for many years.  BeingPresbyterian George established church services in the Chain Lakes Schoolon Sunday afternoons for many years.  He was an ardent supporter of allactivities taking place in the community, and one of the most successfulFarmers in the Southern Manitoba  area.

He acquired and developed his land, utilizing the most current and modernmechanical techniques for the maximum production of grains andreproduction of live-stock.

George had a Brother John S. Wood of  Pense, Saskatchewan . and a SisterMrs. Ellen Wood Cosford of  Star City, Sask.

A Letter of Feb. 25, 1891 from Mary Wood, Glenallan, to John S. Wood,Pense, Saskatchewan: makes reference to a visit of Son George Alec Woodto the Home Farm at Glenallan, noting a very pleasant time with theFamily, neighbors and friends; Mother Wood was so glad to see him andexpressed  how difficult it was  saying good bye again!

She also noted that George was returning home to Hartney via Owasso,Michigan where he planned to  visit his Brother James M. Wood and hisSister Mary Jane in Detroit, Michigan. Mary reported very little changein him, only got a little bald!  He seems to be doing very well. " He hasbought a quarter section along one side of where he is. He is going toput in 200 acres of wheat this year. They have got the railway intoHartney so he can get two trips a day. His wife wrote him two letters.She seems to be a nice woman."

Letter of Jan. 15, 1892 from Mary Wood, Glenallan, to John S. Wood, Pense:
" I had a letter from George not very long ago. He writes very often tous.  He sent a Xmas gift to your Father and me."

Loved and respected by his family George passed away at home at age 67years of heart trouble.  The funeral was held on a Wednesday at home withthe Mulvey L.O.L. in charge of funeral arrangements and  was interned  inthe Family Plot at Riverside Cemetery at Hartney, Manitoba, Canada



A series of personal letters from George's Mother Mary Douglas Wood of
Glenallan, Ontario to her Sons who moved to the West,  George Alec ofHartney, Manitoba and John S. of Pense, Saskatchewan.

Manitoba Family Services, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Marriage Certificate

Researched, and Edited by  Grandson,  Kenneth M. Wright, of  Fallbrook,California,, January 25, 1994.

George Alec Wood & Family: A Century of Living, Hartney, Manitoba,Canada, 1882-1982, compiled and published by the Hartney & DistrictHistorical Committee, 1981.  Printed by Derksen Printer, Steinbach,Manitoba, Canada.

They had the following children.

  289 M i John Thomas Wood was born on 6 Aug 1888 in Brandon, Whitewater Dist., Manitoba, Canada. He died on 9 May 1902 in Hartney, Manitoba, Canada. He was buried on 11 May 1902 in Riverside Cemetery, Harntney, Man., Canada.

John died 9 May 1902 in Hartney, Manitoba, Canada.

John Thomas Wood 1861-1930


John Thomas Wood died at the tender age of 13 years of pneumonia at theFamily Farm at Harney, Manitoba, Canada

+ 290 M ii Oliver Douglas Wood was born on 11 Jul 1890. He died on 2 Feb 1966.
  291 M iii George Percy Wood was born on 8 Jun 1892 in Brandon, Whitewater Dist., Manitoba, Canada. He died on 4 Apr 1966 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. He was buried on 7 Apr 1966 in Hartney, Manitoba, Canada.

George died 4 Apr 1966 in Hartney, Manitoba, Canada.

George Percy Wood 1892-1966


The third Son of George and Rachel Kidd Wood, Percy received hiseducation at Chain Lakes School.  In 1927 he married Annie GladysDrummond, Daughter of Samuel and Martha Drummon, of the Melgund District.

Percy and Annie settled on the home George Alec Wood Farmstead, E 1/2 of
15-5-23.  He was known to all and very well liked by his neighborsthroughout the area.  Percy practiced mixed farming, raising livestock,planted crops for feed and for sale at the elevators.  He was one of thefirst Farmers  in the District to start farming with a tractor puttingthe horses "Out To Pasture!"

He was of a quiet nature, a trait that people seem to remember about himand always punctual.  The farmers used to say that they didn't need awatch if they could see Perc Wood in the field because he always startedwork at 7:00am, went home for lunch at 12:00 o'clock sharp, and was backin the field at 1:00pm and home again at 5:00pm.  Perc was also a verycalm mannered individual and he very seldom lost his temper or gotexcited.

Perc and Annie lived on the Home Farm until they retired to Hartney in1948, selling the farm to Harry Elder.  They remained in Hartney until1953, when they moved to Winnipeg and it was there Perc died verysuddenly in April 1966, just two months after his Brother Ollie passedaway.  Perc is buried in Riverside Cemetery, the Wood Family Plot atHartney, Manitoba.

Reported and Edited by Nephew,  Kenneth M. Wright, and Niece,  MarionWood Aitken, of Hartney, Manitoba, Canada,  January 25, 1995.

George Percy Wood & Family: A Century of Living, Hartney, Manitoba,Canada, 1882-1982, compiled and published by the Hartney & DistrictHistorical Committee, 1981.  Printed by Derksen Printer, Steinbach,Manitoba, Canada.
        George married Annie Gladys Drummond on 2 Feb 1927 in Hartney, Manitoba, Canada. Annie was born on 9 Apr 1898 in Hartney, Melgund District, Manitoba, Canada. She died on 6 Jul 1975 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Received her education at Melgund School and Hartney Schools, andManitoba Agricultural College, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

After she moved to Hartney upon graduation from Agricultural College, shepurchased grain for James Richardson,  Grain cars were spotted at thelocal sidings and farmers loaded them themselves rather than throughelevators.

Annie married George Percy Wood in 1927, the only Daughter of Samuel andMartha Ann Clark  Drummond.

Annie was a very outgoing person and enjoyed entertaining in their home.Although Percy and Annie never had children they enjoyed children andfrequently invited their Nieces and Nephews to visit their Farm.

She was a Member of the United Church of Hartney and Winnipeg, and aMember of the Women's Institute.

After moving to Winnipeg, Annie spent many hours making items for Savethe Children and the Victoria Hospital Guild.  For several years shejudged foods and hand work at local fairs in the city suburbs andsurrounding towns.

Annie remained in her Winnipeg home after Perc passed away, until herdeath in 1975.  She is interned in Riverside Cemetery, the Wood FamilyPlot at Hartney, Manitoba, Canada.



Reported and Edited by  Nephew Kenneth M. Wright and Niece,  Marion WoodAitken, of Hartney, Manitoba, Canada,  January 25, 1995.

George Percy Wood & Family: A Century of Living, Hartney, Manitoba,Canada, 1882-1982, compiled and published by the Hartney & DistrictHistorical Committee, 1981.  Printed by Derksen Printer, Steinbach,Manitoba, Canada.
  292 M iv Gordon Raymond Wood was born on 8 May 1896 in Brandon, Whitewater Dist., Manitoba, Canada. He died on 15 May 1930 in Hartney, Manitoba, Canada. He was buried on 11 May 1896 in Riverside Cemetery, Harntney, Man., Canada.

Gordon died 8 May 1896 in Hartney, Manitoba, Canada.

Gordon Raymond Wood 1896-1930

Gordon Raymond Wood: After finishing his education in the Hartney schoolDistrict, Gordon worked for the Canadian Pacific Railroad as an AssistantStation Agent and later returned to farming at the Wood homestead.Gordon passed away suddenly in May 1930 due to a tragic accident ofautomobile asphyxiation by carbon monoxide in the garage one eveningwhile repairing his auto.  Gordon and Lillie were twins.

A Century of Living, Hartney, Manitoba, Canada, 1882-1982, compiled byHartney & District Historical Committee, 1981

Kenneth M. Wright,  May 15th., 1994 of Fallbrook, California.
+ 293 F v Lillie Bernice Wood was born on 8 May 1896. She died on 21 Mar 1983.
+ 294 F vi Mary Elizabeth Wood was born on 8 Jun 1897.
+ 295 M vii James Melville Wood was born on 31 Jan 1904.

182. Sylvester Augustus "Vesty" Morrow (Ellen Kidd , George Kidd , Ann Poole , George , John ) was born on 7 Feb 1852 in Adjala Twp. Simcoe Co. Ontario. He died on 30 Aug 1931 in Swan River, Manitoba.

Sylvester married Sarah Ann "Sadie" Ingram on 25 May 1888 in Wiarton, Ontario. Sarah was born on 18 Feb 1870 in Wiarton, Ontario. She died on 2 Aug 1953 in Turner Valley, Alberta. She was buried in Swan River, Manitoba.

Marriage Notes:

5 children.

Sylvester and Sarah had the following children.

  296 F i Martha Olive Birchman "Berkie" Morrow was born on 5 Jul 1892 in Owen Sound, Ontario. She died on 18 Jun 1979 in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
  297 M ii James Michael Aubrey Alphonsus "Fauncie" Morrow was born on 13 Jan 1902 in Minitonas, Manitoba. He died on 18 Oct 1984 in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
  298 M iii Samuel Thomas Durban "Doc" Morrow was born on 6 Jul 1906 in Durban, Manitoba. He died on 30 Jan 1984 in Vancouver, B.C..

186. William James Kidd 1 (John Kidd , John Kidd , Ann Poole , George , John ) was born on 15 Dec 1863 in Tosorontio, Dufferin co., on Canada. He died on 4 Sep 1943 in Honeywood, on Canada.

William resided 2 1917 in Melancton Twp., Dufferin Co., Ontario Canada. He was employed as 1917 in Teacher.

Father's obit lists William as a farmer in Melancthon Twp.

William married Hannah Jane Wright on 24 Jun 1891 in St. Paul's Church, Tosorontio Twp., on Canada. Hannah was born on 22 Apr 1873 in Canada. She died on 9 Nov 1967 in Honeywood, on Canada.

They had the following children.

  299 F i daughter Kidd died in Honeywood, on Canada.
  300 M ii son Kidd died in Honeywood, on Canada.

187. Elizabeth Ann Kidd 1, 2 (John Kidd , John Kidd , Ann Poole , George , John ) was born 3 on 7 Apr 1865 in Tosorontio, Dufferin co., on Canada. She died on 28 Oct 1933 in Alliston, on Canada.

Elizabeth married 1 John Daniel Little 2 on 15 Feb 1893 in Tosorontio Twp., on Canada. John was born 3, 4 on 4 Oct 1859 in Mulmur Twp., Ontario Canada. He died 5 on 7 Sep 1930 in Everett, Ontario Canada. He was buried 6 in Alliston Union Cemetery.

John resided in Rosemont, Dufferin Co., Ontario Canada.

Marriage Notes:

Little, John
Spouse:  Kidd, Elizabeth Ann
Date of Marriage:  Feb 15, 1893
Delay Year:  1894
Marriage Place:  Tosorontio Township
Source Code:  011002
Microfilm Reel Number:  83

Elizabeth and John had the following children.

  301 M i Melville R. J. Little 1 was born 2 on 15 Feb 1895 in Ontario Canada.
  302 M ii Oliver C. S. Little 1 was born 2 on 24 Jun 1896 in Ontario Canada.
+ 303 M iii Sydney Little was born on 24 Jun 1896. He died on 29 Nov 1994.
  304 F iv Flossie Eleanor Little 1 was born 2 on 20 Sep 1897 in Ontario Canada. She died on 18 Jul 1982 in Niagara Falls, on Canada. She was buried in 1982 in Alliston, on Canada.
        Flossie married John Henry Thrift Officer. John was born on 26 Aug 1900 in Ontario Canada. He died on 26 Jan 1942 in McGregor, Mb Canada. He was buried in 1942 in Alliston, on Canada.
  305 F v Blanche C. Little 1 was born 2 on 5 Mar 1899 in Ontario Canada.

191. Frances Ellen Kidd (John Kidd , John Kidd , Ann Poole , George , John ) was born on 9 Jun 1872 in Tosorontio, Dufferin co., on Canada. She died on 14 May 1950 in Stevenson Memorial Hospital, Alliston, on Canada.

Alliston Herald: Obituary
Mrs. John Gallaugher - There passed away at Stevenson Memorial Hospital, Alliston during the early hours of Sunday May 14, 1950 one of Lisle's finest and most respected citizens, Mrs. John Gallaugher. Loved by everyone in the community.  Mrs. Gallaugher was in her 78th year.
Born in Tossorontio Township on June 9, 1872, she was the daughter of the late John Kidd of Mono Mills and was of Irish Ancestry.
Mrs Gallaugher was married to John Gallaugher on September 3, 1902 at St. James Church in Lisle.  Since   her marriage she has resided at lot 19, concession 2, Tossorontio.
Of Anglican Denomination, Mrs. Gallaugher taught Sunday School and was organist for over 20 years.  She was also a member of the Women's Auxillary of the church.  She leaves to mourn her loss one son, Clifton, at the home, three daughters, Mrs. Clifford Hawke (Clara), Toronto,  Mrs W. Hawke  (Ellen) Toronto,  Irene at home, and five brothers, Francis and Sibbald of Alliston, John T. of Sudbury, Arthur of Elnora, Alberta and Andrew of Stayner.  Also two sisters, Mrs. Jones ( Margaret), Lisle;  Mrs.R. Pangman ( Mary Jane )of Alliston.  Also surviving are five grandchildre
A short service was held at the hone on May 16 before going to the church where the service conducted by Rev. A. C. Herbert was attended by many friends and relatives.  Pall Bearers were brothers, Andrew and Sibbald Kidd, Cousin George Kidd and Brother in law Thomas, William and Ernest Gallaugher.  Internment was in Alliston Union Cemetery.

Father's obituary lists Mrs. John Gallaugher as a daughter.

Burial: May 16, 1950

Frances married John Gallaugher 1 on 3 Sep 1902 in Tosorontio Twp., Simcoe Co., on Canada. John was born on 19 Feb 1876 in Tosorontio, Dufferin Co., on Canada. He died on 19 Nov 1968 in Alliston, on Canada.

Marriage Notes:

Bryan Lawson notes from Orangeville Sun, September 11, 1902
Gallaugher - Kidd
In Tossorontio on September 3rd by Rev. A. C. Miles, Fannie E. Kidd to John Gallaugher both of the Township of Tossorontio.

Frances and John had the following children.

  306 F i Clara Jane Gallaugher was born on 31 Jan 1904. She died after 20 Jan 1999 in Alliston, on Canada.
        Clara married Cyrill Clifford Hawke.
  307 F ii Alice Irene Gallaugher was born on 6 Dec 1905. She died on 30 May 1987.
  308 F iii Ellen Constance Gallaugher was born on 7 Jul 1908.
        Ellen married William Ralston Hawke.
  309 M iv Clifton J. Gallaugher was born in 1913. He died on 13 Jan 1999 in Alliston, on Canada. He was buried in 1999 in Alliston, on Canada.

Bryan Lawson notes from Alliston Herold, January 20th 1999.
Gallaugher, Clifton (in his 86th year)
Beloved husband of Joy Rafferty.  Dear brother of Clara Hawke of Surrey, B. C., Ellen Hawke of Stouffville and predeceased by Irene Gallaugher.   Fondly remembered by nieces and nephews.  Rested at the W. John Tomas Funeral Home, Alliston.  Funeral service was held in the Chapel on Saturday, January 16th, 1999 at 11:00 am.  Spring interment, Alliston Union Cemetery.  If so desired, memorial donations to St. James Anglican Church, Clougher would be appreciated.
        Clifton married Joy A. Rafferty.

194. Andrew Richard Kidd 1 (John Kidd , John Kidd , Ann Poole , George , John ) was born 2 on 18 Sep 1876 in Tosorontio, Dufferin Co., on Canada. He died on 11 Aug 1959 in Everett, on Canada.

Andrew was employed as in Teacher at Everett, on Canada. He resided in Elnora, Saskatchewan Canada.

 The death occurred at collingwood G. and M. Hospital on August 11, 1959 of Andrew
Richard Kidd, Scott St., Stayner, Ontario in his eighty-third year. Mr. kidd had been in
his usual good health until about six weeks prior to his passing.  Andrew R. Kidd was born on lot 22 con. 1Tossorontio Twp. on September 18, 1876.  He was the son of the late John Kidd and Eleanor Little and was educated at Clougher Public School, Collingwood High School and received his teacher's certificate at Toronto Normal School.   He taught at Earnscliffe Honeywood, No. 14 Tecumseth and Meadowbrook. While there on December 30, 1906, he was married to Minnie Synott, only daughter of W. Synott Eliza Henderson of Everett. In January, 1904, he commenced teaching at
SS # 8 Everett, where he remained for thirty-two years. On his retirement he and
Mrs. Kidd moved to Stayner where they have resided for the past sixteen years.
  While at Everett, he took an active part in the work of St. David's Church and Sunday School. His greatest interest was in his association with the Loyal Orange and Royal Black Perceptories. He was Past county Master of both Orange and Black Orders and Honorary Past Grand Master of the Grand Black Chapter of Ontario West. He was a stauch conservative.  His hobbies were hunting and fishing, the latter he enjoyed until a few weeks before his death. Six years ago Mr. and Mrs. Kidd
celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary.   The body rested at Mathers' Funeral
Home, Stayner, where services were conducted by L.O.L. No. 463, Stayner,
assisted by adjoinging Orange Lodges and by Royal Black Perceptory No. 364 of
Collingwood, aided by members of the Black Perceptories of the County. The following day Rev. A. W. Downer took the funeral at St. David's Church, Everett. L.O.L. No. 270 held the grave side services.  He is survived by his wife, two sisters,
MaryJane, Mrs. Robert Pangman of Lisle, two brothers, Arthur of Elnora, Alberta, and
Sibbald of Alliston, two daughters, Marjorie, Mrs. Ernest Gilmore of Alliston and
Winnifred, Mrs. Wallace Hutchinson of Port Credit and one grandchild Margaret, Mrs.
Allan Prowse of Toronto. Three sisters, four brothers and his son, Cecil predeceased him.  The pallbearers were Donald McIntyre, John Pinkney, Tom Bradley, and Wm.
Sutton of Stayner and Edgar Jenkins of Everett.  Many beautiful floral tributes were
received. Cecil predeceased him.

Andrew married Minnie Synott on 30 Dec 1906 in St. David's Church, Everett, on Canada. Minnie was born on 6 Apr 1880 in Mulmur Twp., on Canada. She died in 1970 in Everett, on Canada.

  Death came suddenly in Mrs. A. R. Kidd. In her 81st year at Collingwood General and Marine Hospital, on Tues. June 2, 1970.  She was born in Mulmur Twp. on April 6, 1880, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Synott. In 1903 she married Andrew Kidd in St. David's Church, Everett. During her years in Everett she took an active part in the choir. Sunday School and W. A. of St. David's. She was very proud of being made
a life member of the W. A. on leaving there.  In 194_ they moved to Scott St. Stayner, where she became a member of the Chruch of the Good Shepherd and worked with their branch of the W. A. Her husband predeceased her in 1959 and since then she has lived alone. Her sunny disposition will be greatly missed in the community.
  The funeral service was held in St. David's, Everett conducted by Canon McLaren of Rosemont, assisted by Rev. edney of Stayner, who spoke of Mrs. Kidd's life in
that neighbourhood.     Mrs. kidd is survived by two daughters, (Winnifred). Mrs. W.
S. Hutchinson, weston and (Marjorie). Mrs Ernes Gilmore, Alliston. She had one granchild and two greet grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.  Pallbearers were Donald McIntyre, Frank Crosbie and Tom Bradley of Stayner: Basil Jenkins
and Ivan Peacock of Everetth, and James Dickey of Allsiton.

They had the following children.

  310 M i Cecil Anrew Kidd was born on 10 Feb 1909. He died before 1959.
  311 F ii Winnifred Kidd.
        Winnifred married Wallace S. Hutchinson.
  312 F iii Marjorie Kidd.
        Marjorie married Earnest Gilmore.

195. Margaret Alice KiDD 1, 2 (John Kidd , John Kidd , Ann Poole , George , John ) was born 3 on 25 Apr 1876 in Tosorontio, Dufferin co., on Canada. She died on 15 Oct 1962 in Creemore, on Canada.

This was a guess of the 3rd daughter's name since there was only one listing for Jesse Jones in the 1901 census and this was the name of his wife.  However, the birthdate does not coincide with the birth date of her brother Andrew.

Margaret married Jesse Cartwright Jones 1, 2 on 19 Mar 1901 in Tosorontio Twp., on Canada. Jesse was born 3 on 3 Dec 1872 in Mulmur Twp., on Canada. He died on 14 Feb 1920 in Creemore, on Canada.

Jesse was employed as 1901 in Farmer.

They had the following children.

+ 313 M i Jesse Maurice Kidd Jones was born on 11 Jan 1903. He died on 29 Nov 1994.
+ 314 F ii Alma Lydia May Jones was born on 13 Mar 1904. She died on 18 Jan 1958.
+ 315 M iii Jack A. C. Jones was born in Aug 1907.
  316 M iv Frank Jones was born in 1909.
+ 317 M v Valentine Jones was born on 14 Feb 1912. He died on 28 Aug 1998.
  318 F vi Marjorie Jones.
+ 319 F vii Reta Evelyn Madeline Jones was born on 13 Apr 1915. She died on 2 Apr 1995.
+ 320 F viii Velma Jones.

196. Arthur Albert Kidd 1 (John Kidd , John Kidd , Ann Poole , George , John ) was born 2 on 6 Oct 1877 in Tosorontio, Dufferin Co., on Canada. He died on 4 Oct 1965 in Elnora, Alberta Canada.

Arthur was employed as in Farmer. He resided in Elnora, Sask. Canada.

Arthur married Etta Armstrong on 30 Dec 1903 in Ontario Canada. Etta was born about 1880.

They had the following children.

+ 321 F i Florence Kidd.

197. Mary Jane Kidd (John Kidd , John Kidd , Ann Poole , George , John ) was born on 27 Jun 1878 in Tosorontio, Dufferin Co., on Canada. She died on 24 Mar 1963 in Alliston, on Canada. She was buried in 1963 in Alliston Union Cemetery, Alliston, on Canada.

Mary married Robert John Pangman. Robert was born on 16 Nov 1868 in Mansfield, on Canada. He died on 17 Dec 1941 in Alliston, on Canada.

Baptism: November 16, 1868, Rev. Alex MacLennan at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Mansfield, Ontario32

They had the following children.

+ 322 F i Sarah Lucinda Pangman.

200. Sibbald Eleazor Kidd (John Kidd , John Kidd , Ann Poole , George , John ) was born on 14 Mar 1882 in Tosorontio, Dufferin co., on Canada. He died on 10 Jul 1970 in Alliston, on Canada. He was buried in Alliston Union Cemetery, Alliston, on Canada.

Sibbald farmed the old homestead.

Sibbald married Mabel McMULLEN on 10 Apr 1912. Mabel was born on 14 Apr 1888. She died on 23 Oct 1970 in Alliston, on Canada.

They had the following children.

  323 M i Norman Kidd.
        Norman married Evely Pengelly.
        Norman also married Living Maisini.
  324 F ii Roberta Phylis Kidd was born on 5 Dec 1914 in Tosorontio, Dufferin Co., on Canada. She died on 11 Dec 1914 in Everett, on Canada.
  325 F iii Dorothy Kidd.
        Dorothy married Eric Bellwood.
+ 326 M iv Allan Sibbald Kidd.
  327 F v Ena Kidd.
        Ena married John H. Ryan.

201. Mary Alice Kidd (Henry Kidd , John Kidd , Ann Poole , George , John ) was born in 1868. She died in 1954.

Mary married Thomas James Arlow. Thomas was born in 1868. He died in 1930.

They had the following children.

  328 F i Edith Mary Arlow was born in 1905. She died in 2001.
        Edith married Albert Toyne. Albert was born in 1906. He died in 1970.
  329 F ii Gladys Arlow was born in 1910. She died in 1997.
        Gladys married Joseph Varnell. Joseph was born in 1907. He died in 1986.
  330 F iii Hyacinthe Arlow was born in 1901. She died in 1953.
        Hyacinthe married Joseph Parker.
  331 M iv Delbert Arlow was born in 1895. He died in 1980.
        Delbert married Muriel Simpson.
  332 M v James Henry Arlow was born in 1892. He died in 1969.
        James married Eliza Jane Lyness.
  333 M vi Percy Arlow was born in 1899. He died in 1966.
        Percy married Bertha Gardiner.
  334 M vii Robert Arlow was born in 1903. He died in 1980.
        Robert married Katie Wood.
  335 M viii William George Arlow was born in 1907. He died in 1967.
        William married Margaret Peters.
  336 F ix Emma Arlow was born in 1908. She died in 1996.
        Emma married Wallace Wood. Wallace died in 1987.

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